Saturday, February 24, 2018

Good Problems

As we hurtle through the beginning of this year toward our release date, I'm forced to contemplate the challenges Dyn-IT will face after launch.  All startups face the same administrative challenges: setting up legal entities, organizational infrastructure, funding, project management, budgeting, evaluating costs, online infrastructure, etc.

All businesses also have some type of marketing plan (even if that plan is not to market).  You have to have some way to attract attention and make your product or service desirable.  What happens when marketing organically starts happening for your product before you attempt to generate it?  This is what is known as a "good problem." 

At Dyn-IT, we seem to be having a rash of good problems.  Let me give you a little breakdown of the past 12 months:

  • In March of last year, we started writing software for a startup.  The company never went anywhere, but we gained an amazing jump start toward the idea of EdgeVault™.

  • In late September, we received an offer to work with a group of former co-workers to develop an application for their startup.  This also did not work out, but we put in a good deal of work and got ourselves that much closer to our goal.

  • In December, we were approached by a company that wanted to build a new software platform.  Not only did they come to us with an idea, but also a customer base just waiting for a new platform.

  • In January, Richard presented at the EPIConference.  As a result, we have had a steady stream of interest in EdgeVault™.  This totally blows our mind each and every day.

  • Now it's late February and we have a goal in sight, clients lined up, and a launch date in mind.

We are extremely grateful for this, but I feel its important to point out that we have tasted our share of failures to this point.  Each time we learned valuable lessons that propelled us onward.  Every business owner will face their share of failures.  For those opportunities, I offer you the words of Ray Kroc:
"Press on.  Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.  Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.  Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.  Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Now we only have to live up to the hype and reputation that is building!

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Setup to Succeed

I've worked for both good and bad companies in my career.  Some companies treated their customers well, but treated their employees poor...